Hello dear friends,
As a part of my discovery of some great Russian channels, I found some great material for you once again!
today I am going to teach you how to crochet the lace edging by following this one particular tutorial which is great for beginners.
As always, I will do that by providing a free tutorial and a free video guide which covers it all – step-by-step!
A lot of content is available about this matter across the internet, but I filtered it out for you! Provided a complete tutorial including a video…
And it will not disappoint you… As a matter of fact, you will be really surprised by the simplicity of the tutorial
Just like any other tutorial I present, I find this material by searching it through the internet. I might have spent hours searching for it but in the end, it’s worth it because I make my readers happy.
So, this time…
I came across this one Russian channel and…
It is amazing!
Of course, I have a video as well! Which is totally free…
Authors did a great job of putting it together step-by-step.
A video that covers it all. Nothing new here… a lot of material is available.
But I think that this one is the easiest to teach you!
To be more specific, the greatness of this video is that it is really simple and detailed at the same time.
Isn’t that what all the tutorials should be like?
Let’s not waste any more time on previews…
I am talking about:
Crochet Lace Edging – Simple Tutorial (Great For Beginners)+ Free Video
As I usually say…
I think that there is no better way to learn the technique, then having a step-by-step tutorial where you can watch somebody do the work.
All you have to do is to copy it! You can even mute the sound and still understand everything!
So I’m sure you will love it too…Before jumping to the video, don’t forget to Follow Anne to explore the rest of my amazing content ; ) ^_^
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I promised you a free video, didn’t we?
Уроки вязания Crochet and knitting channel is a genius behind this amazing video. The video I decided to share with you, my beloved readers!
The video by is right here!
I Hope you enjoyed this video and will come back to randoff.com for more tutorials like this!
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I love this edging but was looking to add it to the end of an afghan
Do you know how I could?